The beginning

We started producing our first chocolate bars in Freetown at the end of 2019.

The operations were small, but the views were extraordinary.

Farmers to chocolate bars

nuestro adn

We believe in produce. Tasty produces. Produce like Organic Chocolate:Our organic chocolate was launched ‍in 2019 in Sierra Leone! Made with fresh organic cocoa beans, it is delicious and healthy at the same time. Taste its freshness and authenticity, with cocoa going straight from the plantations to the chocolate bar, creating the most delicious premium organic chocolate!

Somos emprendedores sociales

Our chocolate is produced in Africa; we generate investment, health, employment, better education and healthy self-sufficiency for our communities.
Self-sufficiency for our communities. We believe that the true development of the African continent comes from our hard work creating excellent products like this chocolate.

Months of work on paper turned into reality

The laboratory
With fresh cocoa at source, we immediately realized that the quality of our chocolate would be exceptional.

Once ready, we present our chocolates in Sierra Leone.

And it was a great success!

Como emprendedores sociales, decidimos entonces celebrar y apoyar causas que necesitaban un impulso.

We also wanted to celebrate the incredible work our friends at Tacugama Sanctuary do in protecting chimpanzees.

En ese momento, era hora de escalar nuestro modelo

So in 2020 we visited our friends at UNOX in Italy. We wanted to create a perfect cocoa roast in Sierra Leone.

We have brought one of the best ovens in the world to Kenema.

Construimos la nueva fábrica para aumentar la capacidad de hacer chocolate limpio y natural en Sierra Leona.